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C Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution : File Handling

C File Handling [15 exercises with solution]

[An editor is available at the bottom of the page to write and execute the scripts.]

1. Write a program in C to create and store information in a text file. Go to the editor
Test Data :
Input a sentence for the file : This is the content of the file test.txt.
Expected Output :

 The file test.txt created successfully...!! 

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2. Write a program in C to read an existing file. Go to the editor
Test Data :
Input the file name to be opened : test.txt
Expected Output :

 The content of the file test.txt is  :                                                                       
This is the content of the file test.txt.

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3. Write a program in C to write multiple lines in a text file. Go to the editor
Test Data :
Input the number of lines to be written : 4
:: The lines are ::
test line 1
test line 2
test line 3
test line 4
Expected Output :

 The content of the file test.txt is  :                                                                       
test line 1                                                                                                   
test line 2                                                                                                   
test line 3                                                                                                   
test line 4 

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4. Write a program in C to read the file and store the lines into an array. Go to the editor
Test Data :
Input the file name to be opened : test.txt
Expected Output :

 The content of the file test.txt  are :                                                                      
 test line 1                                                                                                  
 test line 2                                                                                                  
 test line 3                                                                                                  
 test line 4

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5. Write a program in C to Find the Number of Lines in a Text File. Go to the editor
Test Data :
Input the file name to be opened : test.txt
Expected Output :

 The lines in the file test.txt are : 4 

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6. Write a program in C to find the content of the file and number of lines in a Text File. Go to the editor
Test Data :
Input the filen ame to be opened : test.txt
Expected Output :

 The content of the file test.txt  are :                                                                      
 test line 1                                                                                                  
 test line 2                                                                                                  
 test line 3                                                                                                  
 test line 4                                                                                                  
 The lines in the file are : 4

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7. Write a program in C to count a number of words and characters in a file. Go to the editor
Test Data :
Input the file name to be opened : test.txt
Expected Output :

 The content of the file test.txt are :                                                                       
test line 1                                                                                                   
test line 2                                                                                                   
test line 3                                                                                                   
test line 4                                                                                                   
 The number of words in the  file test.txt are : 12                                                           
 The number of characters in the  file test.txt are : 36

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8. Write a program in C to delete a specific line from a file. Go to the editor

Assume that the content of the file test.txt is :                                                                       
test line 1                                                                                                   
test line 2                                                                                                   
test line 3                                                                                                   
test line 4                                                                                                   

Test Data :
Input the file name to be opened : test.txt
Input the line you want to remove : 2
Expected Output :

 The content of the file test.txt is :                                                                       
test line 1                                                                                                   
test line 3                                                                                                   
test line 4

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9. Write a program in C to replace a specific line with another text in a file. Go to the editor

Assume that the content of the file test.txt is :                                                                       
test line 1                                                                                                   
test line 2                                                                                                   
test line 3                                                                                                   
test line 4                                                                                                   

Test Data :
Input the file name to be opened : test.txt
Input the content of the new line : Yes, I am the new text instead of test line 2
Input the line no you want to replace : 2
Expected Output :

Replacement did successfully..!! 

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10. Write a program in C to append multiple lines at the end of a text file. Go to the editor

Assume that the content of the file test.txt is :                                                                       
test line 1                                                                                                   
test line 2                                                                                                   
test line 3                                                                                                   
test line 4                                                                                                   

Test Data :
Input the file name to be opened : test.txt
Input the number of lines to be written : 3
The lines are :
test line 5
test line 6
test line 7
Expected Output :

The content of the file test.txt is  :                                                                       
test line 1                                                                                                   
test line 2                                                                                                   
test line 3                                                                                                   
test line 4                                                                                                   
test line 5                                                                                                   
test line 6                                                                                                   
test line 7

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11. Write a program in C to copy a file in another name. Go to the editor

Assume that the content of the file test.txt is :                                                                       
test line 1                                                                                                   
test line 2                                                                                                   
test line 3                                                                                                   
test line 4                                                                                                   

Test Data :
Input the source file name : test.txt
Input the new file name : test1.txt
Expected Output :

 The file test.txt  copied successfully in the file test1.txt.

If you read the new file you will see the content of the file :

test line 1                                                                                                   
test line 2                                                                                                   
test line 3                                                                                                   
test line 4 

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12. Write a program in C to merge two files and write it in a new file. Go to the editor

Assume that the content of the file test.txt and test1.txr is :                                                                       
 The content of the file test.txt is  : 
This is the file test.txt. 

 The content of the file test1.txt is  : 
This is the file test1.txt.                                                                                                    

Test Data :
Input the 1st file name : test.txt
Input the 2nd file name : test1.txt
Input the new file name where to merge the above two files : mergefiles.txt
Expected Output :

 The two files merged into mergefiles.txt file successfully..!! 

Here is the content of the merge file mergefiles.txt :

 The content of the file mergefiles.txt is  :                                                                 
This is the file test.txt.                                                                                    
This is the file test1.txt.

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13. Write a program in C to encrypt a text file. Go to the editor

 Assume that, the content of the file test.txt is  :                                                                       
Welcome to 

Test Data :
Input the name of file to encrypt : test.txt
Expected Output :

File test.txt successfully encrypted ..!!

If you read the file test.txt you will see the following :


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14. Write a program in C to decrypt a previously encrypted file file. Go to the editor

 Assume that, the content of the file test.txt was  :                                                                       

After encryption, the content of the file is : 
Welcome to

Test Data :
Input the name of file to decrypt : test.txt
Expected Output :

The file test.txt decrypted successfully..!!

Now, if you read the file test.txt you will see the following :

Welcome to

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15. Write a program in C to remove a file from the disk. Go to the editor
Test Data :
Input the name of file to delete : test.txt
Expected Output :

 The file test.txt is deleted successfully..!! 

Click me to see the solution

C Programming Code Editor:

More to Come !

Do not submit any solution of the above exercises at here, if you want to contribute go to the appropriate exercise page.

C Programming: Tips of the Day

Static variable inside of a function in C

The scope of variable is where the variable name can be seen. Here, x is visible only inside function foo().

The lifetime of a variable is the period over which it exists. If x were defined without the keyword static, the lifetime would be from the entry into foo() to the return from foo(); so it would be re-initialized to 5 on every call.

The keyword static acts to extend the lifetime of a variable to the lifetime of the programme; e.g. initialization occurs once and once only and then the variable retains its value - whatever it has come to be - over all future calls to foo().

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