Website Feedback Survey * Required Email address * Your answer Yes No Is this the first time you have visited our website ? To find information To find a document To report a problem with this website To make a submission or comment on a proposal To contact the EPA To make a submission or comment on a proposal How have you used our website today ? Very Easy Easy Average Difficult Very Difficult How easy it is to find information on the site ? * To find information about a particular artist To discover new artists To see the new work you have been doing as an agency To get or gather visual inspiration for live briefs To find contact or more information about Making Pictures What is the most likely reason you would be visiting website? Yes All of it Some of it No None of it Did you find what you needed ? Extremely likely Very likely Moderately likely Slightly likely Not at all likely How likely is that you will recommend using the website for quick access to information and guided search? What was your first impression when you entered our new website? Your answer Are you happy to tell us the information you werelooking for? If so, please let us know here. This information is very helpful to us if you are willing to disclose. Thank you! Your answer